Panel 8: Missing Others. Eluded Encounters and Hidden Contributions within the History of Anthropology

The discipline’s history seems to be full of eluded encounters among anthropologists from the dominant centers of academic production and local scholars, informants, and above all local communities, usually left without any form of restitution. Regarding Southern Italy, for instance, Maria Minicuci (2003) highlighted this dynamic in reference to the missing encounter between British and North American anthropologists and Italian ones working in the same field in the postwar period. Some years earlier, in the 1920s, Bronislaw Malinowski’s first wife Elsie Masson was an early example of a partner who remained a “hidden scholar”, helping her husband without public recognition. This panel focuses on both missed others and processes of missing others within the official history of the discipline. In contemporary anthropology the issue has been addressed by the important Brazilian Anthropological Association (ABA) motion in 2020 regarding cognitive extractivism and diversity of knowledge. Adopting the ABA motion’s vantage in a historical perspective, and extending it to embrace situations of partnership and co-working relations, we can look at dynamics of exclusion and elusion in relation to gender asymmetries, colonial-type power relationships, and global hierarchies of knowledge production to help “de-center” anthropology, do multiple and less unequal histories, and thereby imagine a plural, more inclusive future for the discipline. Following axes of gender, coloniality, precarity, and non-dominant research traditions, we call for papers on critical biographies, forgotten ancestors and helpers, and “peripheral” contributions by scholars, local scholarships, and communities that were sometimes “incorporated” without recognition, and more often deliberately ignored.

Convenors: Dorothy L. Zinn (Free University of Bolzano/Bozen), Daniela Salvucci (Free University of Bolzano/Bozen).

Tuesday, 5 December 2023

Session I [Watch here!]

Whose line is it anyway? Examples of Collaboration and Hiddenness in the History of South American Ethnology — Erik Petschelies

Juan Martín Collío: A Hidden Cultural Broker in Mapuche Studies — Roberto Campbell

Johannes Salilah (1898-1985): western research and Dayak interests — Sjoerd Kompier

The men behind the notion of eidos: photography and “hidden” Indigenous contributions in Gregory Bateson’s anthropology — Enzo Hamel

Encounters, missed encounters and avoidances in the anthropological study of southern Europe — Pier Paolo Viazzo

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Session II [Watch here!] — Session III [Watch here!]

Before Lady Frazer: Glimpses of Mrs Lilly Grove, F.R.G.S. — Luis Felipe Sobral

Rosemary Firth: An Anthropologist in the Shadow of Raymond Firth and Edmund Leach — Hugh Firth, Loulou Brown

Through the Eyes of Dina: Gender, Ethnography, and Literature in 1930s Brazil — Fernanda Azeredo de Moraes

Lélia Gonzalez and anthropology — Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz

The limits of acculturation. Tensions in Latin American applied anthropology from the Ecuadorian fieldwork of Gladys Villavicencio (1968-73) — Javier González Díez

A Polish “Missed Other”: Józef Obrębski’s Trials and Tribulations After WWII — Anna Engelking

Becoming Visible, Invisible, and Visible Again: Emilie Snethlage, Curt Nimuendajú, and the Vicissitudes of History of Anthropology in Brazil — Peter Schröder

Tromsø, June 1879: On Stephen Sommier’s contribution to Mantegazza’s ethnological expedition in Sápmi — Erika De Vivo

Nicolás León and the beginnings of Mexican sociocultural anthropology. The teaching of ethnology in the classroom and the field (1906-1907) — David Robichaux

The Other of Biography and the Anthropologist as a Poet: the explosive encounter between Bronislaw Malinowski and Stanislas Witkiewicz — Amalia Dragani